

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Maishah (Ar. al-Ma’ishah): Income
Majelis Syurah (Ar. al-Majlis al-Shurah): Consultative Council.
Martabat Tujuh: Seven stages of human based on Sufi teachings.
Maslahat Dakwah (Ar. Maslahah al-Da’wah): Benefit of the common good for
the sake of Islamic predication.
Maslahat (Ar. al-Maslahah): Necessity, benefit.
Masyumi: Majlis Syura Muslimin (Ar. al-Majlis al-Shurah al-Muslimun), Muslims’
Consultative Council.
Mazhab (Ar. al-Madhhab): School of Islamic jurisprudential thought
Mihwar (Ar. al-Mihwar): Stage
Minhajul Hayah (Ar. Minhaj al-Hayah):: Way of life.
MMI: Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia or Indonesia Fighters Council.
Moderen: Modern. It refers to a modernist Muslim group.
MPR: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or People’s Consultative Assembly.
MSA: Muslim Student Association. A student association founded in 1975 based
in the United States.
Mu’assasi (Ar. al-Mu’assasy): Politicisation.


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