

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

ESET Smart Security + TNod 1.4.0 Auto-Licenser(Username+Password)

Username : EAV-51526916
Password : kpvr48kr5n
Expiration : 13/03/2017
Username : EAV-51270852
Password : 7ehuvnussm
Expiry Date : 05/03/2017
Username : EAV-48894407
Password : 36pcuuvnjs
Expiration : 17/12/2016
Username : EAV-38372759

Password : j24pxsc7jv
Expiration : 19/11/2012
Username : EAV-53457483
Password : fcjubx3hp6
Expiry Date : 25/01/2012
Username : EAV-53457482
Password : 56bpb63b2p
Expiry Date : 25/01/2012
Username : EAV-53533303
Password : 5sd6kk7avs
Expiry Date : 24/01/2012
Username : EAV-53523883
Password : xtjsp7tbbs
Expiry Date : 24/01/2012
Username : EAV-53514294
Password : v2f3ffv3s4
Expiry Date : 24/01/2012
Username : EAV-53490692
Password : hd6bm7hthx
Expiry Date : 24/01/2012

ESET Smart Security + TNod 1.4.0 Auto-Licenser

ESET > Kaspersky > Norton. Enough said. 

Contained in this download is the 32/64 bit installation packages of ESET,
    with the latest Auto-Licenser TNOD 1.4.0.  I do NOT take credit in the creation of these files, only
    the torrent so that it's shared right to peeps out there! I'm tired of broken cracks and constant
    key searching, the TNOD 1.4.0 does the latter for you, so you will always be up-to-date with ESET!

1.) Install ESET Smart Security.  Choose the 32-bit MSI file if you have a 32-bit system,
    64-bit MSI if 64-bit system.

2.) Extract the TNOD 1.4.0 RAR container.  You can put it anywhere you like,
    I personally put it in the ESET folder.

3.) Run config.bat to tweak the TNOD program.  You can have it run automatically on startup,
    and/or run it hidden so it runs in the background instead of notifying you what it's doing. 
    ***It also can update itself!!***

4.) If you wish to run it manually, run TNODUP.exe, and it'll automatically insert the
    latest/greatest license key for you.

Head to thepiratebay.org and find the torrent download (titled the same as the folder) if you
    have any questions.  Leave comments!  And remember, SEED =)

Best regards,

