

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Apa arti dari أهل الرأي, أهل الذمه, أهل الكتاب, أهل النص والتعيين

Opinion Writing 2nd Edition
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Ahl al-nass w-al-ta 'y in أهل النص والتعيين
People of Divine ordinance and designation
Ahl ar-ra'y people of opinion أهل الرأي
means people of opinion. It is refers to people that are consulted on Islamic matters. These people are highly learned in Islam.

Ahl al-Dimmah (or Dhimmis) أهل الذمه
are the non-Muslim subjects of an Islamic state who have been subjugated under the Muslims and pay Jizyah tax in order to have tolerance of their rights to life, property and practice of their religion, etc.
Ahl al-Kitab 'People of the Book,' أهل الكتاب
literally 'People of the Book,' refers to the followers of Divine Revelation before the advent of Mohammad.
معجم المصطلاحات الاسلامية - (ج 1 / ص 9)


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