

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

There are six articles of faith

معجم المصطلاحات الاسلامية - (ج 1 / ص 25)
Plural : 'Aqaaid. Literally means belief. In Islamic terminology, it means articles of faith.
 There are six articles of faith:
  • Belief in Allah. We believe:
He is the Lord and Creator of all that there is.
He is the True God and all other deities are false.
He is One, and has no associates (sons or otherwise).

He alone has the knowledge of the Unseen and of the Hour.
In His Names and Attributes .
He never came down to earth in any shape or form.
He is Everlasting, He did not beget nor was He begotten, and He is not like anything.

  • His Mala'ikah (angels). We believe:
They are His honoured servants.
They act only by His command.
They are made out of light ( Nur ).
They obey all of Allah's commands.
All angels are good and incapable of wrong doing. (We do not believe in the notion of a "fallen angel".)
They may be seen by some men only by Allah's consent.

  • His Revealed Books. We believe:
He has sent down books with every messenger.
The original books of Allah that were sent to the Prophets Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus no longer exist in their original form. We believe only in the original Taurat (Torah), Zaboor (Psalms) and Ingeel (Gospel).
The Holy Qur'an that was revealed to the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the only perfect book of Allah that is free from corruption and is a true source of light for all mankind.

  • His Rusull (Messengers). We believe:
The Messengers of Allah Ta'ala include Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Moses, peace be on them all.
All messengers are human beings.
Muhammad's message encompasses and abrogates all the messages of all the other messengers, since Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the last Messenger and the Holy Qur'an is the Last Message from Allah before the end of the world.

  • Belief in the Day of Judgement. We believe:
In the Final Day, which is the Day of Judgement.
There will be no intercessors except by Allah's leave.
Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, will be given permission to intercede on behalf of all those who believed in Allah and the Last Day and who submitted their will to Him, that is, those who are "Muslims" (Muslim = One who submits his or her will to Almighty Allah).
Heaven is for the believers and Hell is for the rejecters.
Our book of deeds will be given to us in our right or left hand (to the believers and unbelievers respectively).

  • Belief in Fate and the Divine Decree. We believe:
In fate, whether good or bad, which Allah has measured and ordained for all His creatures.
His decree cannot be changed except by His leave.
Allah has granted man the free will to choose between good and evil. Thus, there is no excuse for wrong action in the sight of Allah Ta'ala.
All that is to happen until the Day of Judgement is already written down on the Lauh al-Mahfudh.
O Allah! Let me not die except in Islam, and raise me on the Day of Judgement only as a Muslim. Ameen!

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