قاموس فرنسي عربي إنجليزي - (ج 1 / ص 2042)
- حَبّ ( ج:حبب،م:( عــام )) : حَبّ , حُبُوب : بُثُور
ترجمة فرنسية:
- bouton
- petite tumeur à la surface de la peau
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- petechiae
- the pimple
- حَبّ ( ج:حبب،م:زراعة) : حَبّ ( ج حُبُوب )
ترجمة فرنسية:
- organes de reproduction des plantes
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- cereal
- plant grown to produce grain for foods as wheat,rice,etc
- sedd of) any various grain plants, chiefly wheat, oats, rye and maize
- small hard seeds of food plants
- حَبَّ ( ج:حبب،م:مشاعر وعواطف) : هَوِيَ , وَدَّ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- aimer
- éprouver pour qqn une profonde affection, un attachement très vif
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- love
- to feel love or fondness for; admire; like very much; be inclined to
- to be fond of (a person)
- become fond of
- حُبّ ( ج:حبب،م:( عــام )) : دَنّ , خابِيَة
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- fancy
- حُبّ ( ج:حبب،م:مشاعر وعواطف) : هَوًى , مَيْل
ترجمة فرنسية:
- flamme
- amour, passion
- idolâtrie
- amour excessif
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- attachment
- affection; devotion
- حِبّ ( ج:حبب،م:( عــام )) : حَبِيب , مَحْبُوب , مُحَبّ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- personne qui est liée à une autre par l'amour
- chéri
- tendrement aimé
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- affectionate
- showing fondness for somebody; loving; tender; devoted; caring
- person dearly loved; darling
- dearly loved
- very dear and favourit
- beloved and important to you
- beloved one
- person in love with another or sexual partner or person who loves something very much
- one treated as a favourite
- sweetheart; lover
- lover, paramour or mistress
- sweetheart; lover
- dearly loved
- ( American ) a form of addressing; darling; sweetheart
- beloved one or person of whom one is fone
- lover ,fancier
- حِبّ ( ج:حبب،م:( عــام )) : مُحِبّ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- affectueux
- qui manifeste de l'affection, tendre
- amant
- personne qui éprouve un amour partagé pour qqn de l'autre sexe
- bien-aimé
- personne aimée d'amour
- affectionné
- qui a de l'affection, dévoué
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- affectionate
- showing fondness for somebody; loving; tender; devoted; caring
- passionately in love with
- man who pays great attention to women; girl's admirer or lover
- very dear and favourit
- in love with
- passionately in love with
- a connoisseur or follower of some activity or thing or hobbyist
- deeply fond of
- ardently fond of
- person in love with another or sexual partner or person who loves something very much
- showing love or consideration; affectionate
- exchanging love
- not professional
- one treated as a favourite
- loving one another ; friendly .
- beloved one or person of whom one is fone
- loving; affectionate; fond
- lover ,fancier