

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Al-Azhar Sheikh: Egypt Won't Abandon One Inch Of Muslim Lands

During his first meeting with Islamic Jihad secretary-general Ramadan Shalah and his deputy Ziad Al-Nakhala, who are visiting Egypt, Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayeb condemned statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel, and said that Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine, is the red line for Al-Azhar and for 800 million Muslims that stand behind it.

He added that Egypt will not abandon a single inch of the Muslim lands.
Al-Tayeb stressed that Egypt is willing to help the Palestinians in their struggle against the Israeli plans that are supported by the U.S., to plunder the lands and places sacred to Islam, and praised Shalah's position on the issue of the Islamic Ummah.

Shalah said that Al-Azhar is the spearhead of the defense of the Islamic holy sites, and praised it for its support of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian reconciliation.

At a meeting between Shalah and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Abbas, the two discussed, inter alia, reinforcing the Palestinian reconciliation, the political arrests of Islamic Jihad members in the West Bank, and the struggle against the Israeli threats.

Source: Onislam.net, Paltoday.ps, May 30, 2011
Second Source: thememriblog

Islamic Reform and Conservatism: Al-Azhar and the Evolution of Modern Sunni Islam (Library of Modern Religion)  Taha Husain's Education: From Al Azhar to the Sorbonne 


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