It is said that Solomon peace be upon him was sitting on the bed his property was his wind in the air looked Slimah to his kingdom, and obedience of mankind and the jinn and impressionable to the great prestige and his Fadtrb bed they coup, said a sound of the bed upright took up his bed and said upright you even Nstakim We, as He says of the: ) that God does not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (Abu Ubaida in the fold) of the wire approach seriously the security of Alosar (and should be the minister a world wise old man because the young man, although a reasonable person is not in the experiment such as old men who learned people from the experiences of the days do not learn But of the elders and the minister Zine Alsultn and Zein it must be good clean Shin and needs the Minister to five things to praise his experience, and improve the curriculum, be alert to appear in each command enters his face director of it, and the flag to clear his things real, and courage so as not afraid of anything In other subject of fear, and honesty so as not to work with one that is not correct and conceal the secret of the Sultan to death overtakes.